Cleanhub & Zugreen Partnership
ZuGreen is excited to announce our collaboration with CleanHub! For those unfamiliar with CleanHub’s noble mission, they endeavor to tackle one of the biggest environmental issues we face today: the global plastic crisis.
CleanHub plans to prevent 50% of new plastic reaching the ocean by 2030 and ZuGreen intends to help them reach that goal.Unlike alternative approaches focused on recovering plastic already in nature,CleanHub is stopping it from ever reaching our beaches and oceans. For CleanHub and ZuGreen, ocean pollution is solved on land, not in the sea. That is why, using technology, CleanHub brings needed waste tracking and to coastal regions where they do not yet exist and prevent waste from leaking into the environment or being openly burned. Instead, waste gets collected on a large scale and disposed of sustainably. CleanHub’s mission of building sanitation infrastructure will result in thousands of new waste management hubs globally which will directly prevent plastic waste from reaching the ocean while providing dignified jobs for local communities.
When the idea for ZuGreen was born, we knew we wanted to give back in some way. The thought leaders at ZuGreen spent most of their lives living on or near the ocean and so when we understood the ethos of these committed idealists, we wanted to be a part of it. And with that goal in mind, ZuGreen, with the help of you, our customer, has committed to funding the removal of 1000 pounds of plastic before it is able to pollute our ecosystem. Please see our sustainability page to track our progress towards that goal. And once we blow past 1000 pounds, we will keep going.
With all that said, we want to leave you with some parting thoughts:
-Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans. Every. Minute. That is the equivalent of 1440 garbage trucks. Every. Day.
-The ocean is our greatest ally against climate change.
-2,000,000,000 people in coastal regions worldwide don't have access to proper waste management.
-In regions without waste collection, trash is either openly burned, dumped, or
piled onto poorly managed landfills, where it eventually makes its way into nature.
-11,000,000 tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. 80% of that plastic is
non-recyclable, which means 40% of all plastic produced remains uncollected.
(Source: Pew Trusts, 2016 & SYSTEMIQ, ‘Breaking the plastic wave’)
-A staggering 2,000,000,000 households in the world have no connection to a managed waste.
(Source: UNEP, ‘Global Waste Management Outlook’.)
-The ocean absorbs 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions.
-The ocean produces 50% of the oxygen we breathe.
-We are suffocating in plastic.